More encouragement this week.
Doing your best means never stop trying.
More encouragement this week.
Doing your best means never stop trying.
This coming Monday we shall be practising some techniques from katate-dori gyakuhanmi attack (wrist grab right to left or left to right). Last Monday practised defence against morotedori while holding a bokken and also morotedori ikkyo irimi and kotegaeshi.
On 3rd March we shall be continuing the work on techniques from morotedori that we were doing on 24th February. We practised ikkyo irimi, kotegaeshi and iriminage while holding a bokken. On 3rd March the intention is to practise these without a bokken.
Another way of saying that you are always learning.......
Success in martial arts is a journey not a destination.
At the grading held on 10th February 2025, Helen Graham achieved the grade of 3rd Kyu and Mark Simms that of 5th Kyu. Congratulations to them both.