Wednesday 1 April 2020

Neil's Thoughts on Aikido

Neil has risen to John's challenge. Here are his thoughts on aikido.

As a club: It's about a group of friends having a pastime. No egos, no oneupmanship: just mates. Having a laugh, enjoying the practise: but passionate about what we do.

As an art, correctly implemented it is immensely powerful. you move AS the opponent attacks (no time to change attack), gently take hold of them (gives little indication that you are taking control of the movement. Nothing to react to), then use the entire momentum of the attack against them. so the only indication that things are not going their way is when they hit the floor. On a mat, bewildering. On concrete, devastating.

It requires only minimal fitness as it uses little physical effort; just acquired skill. it is learning the skill that is the fascination, fun and challenge of the art. Care to try?